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Senin, 16 Juli 2018

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How to Target Customers Using Mobile Marketing - Created by Rana ...
src: pagedesignpro.com

Mobile marketing is a multi-channel online marketing technique focused on reaching specific audiences on smartphones, tablets or other related devices via websites, E mail, SMS and MMS, social media or mobile apps. Mobile marketing can give customers time and location sensitive, personalized information that promotes goods, services, and ideas. In a more theoretical way, academician Andreas Kaplan defines mobile marketing as "any marketing activity done through the ubiquitous network that is always connected with customers using personal mobile devices".

Video Mobile marketing

SMS Marketing

Marketing via SMS mobile (Short Message Service) became increasingly popular in the early 2000s in Europe and parts of Asia as businesses began collecting cell phone numbers and sending desirable (or unwanted) content. On average, SMS messages have a 98% open rate, and are read within 3 minutes, making it very effective in reaching recipients quickly.

Over the past few years, SMS marketing has become a legitimate advertising channel in some parts of the world. This is because unlike email via the public internet, operators who oversee their own networks have set guidelines and best practices for the mobile media industry (including mobile advertising). The IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) and Mobile Marketing Association (MMA), as well, have set guidelines and evangelize the use of cellular channels for marketers. While this has paid off in developed regions such as North America, Western Europe and some other countries, mobile SPAM messages (SMS sent to mobile subscribers without legitimate and explicit subscription by subscribers) remain a problem in many other parts of the world, partly because the carriers are selling their member databases to third parties. But in India, the government's efforts to make the National Do Not Call Registry have helped mobile users stop SMS ads by sending a simple SMS or calling 1909.

The mobile marketing approach via SMS has grown rapidly in Europe and Asia as a new channel to reach consumers. SMS initially received negative media coverage in many parts of Europe as it was a new form of spam because some advertisers bought lists and sent unsolicited content to consumer phones; however, as the guidelines are enforced by mobile operators, SMS has become the most popular branch of the Mobile Marketing industry with some 100 million SMS advertising sent every month in Europe alone. This is thanks to SMS messages being agnostic hardware - they can be delivered to almost any phone and accessed without a Wi-Fi or mobile data connection. This is important to note as there are more than 5 billion unique mobile subscribers worldwide by 2017, which is about 66% of the world's population.

SMS Marketing has an inbound and outbound marketing strategy. Inbound marketing focuses on acquiring leads, and outbound marketing focuses on sending messages for sales, promotions, contests, donations, and event pickings and reminders.

There are 5 main components for SMS marketing: sender ID , message size , content structure , spam compliance , and < b> message delivery .

Sender ID

The sender ID is the name or number that identifies who the sender is. For commercial purposes, the most commonly used virtual numbers, short codes, and special names can be rented through a bulk SMS provider.

Shared Virtual Number

As the name suggests, virtual shared numbers are shared by many different senders. They are usually free, but they can not receive SMS replies, and their numbers change from time to time without notice or approval. The sender may have different shared virtual numbers on different days, which may make it confusing or unreliable for the recipient depending on the context. For example, a virtual number shared may be suitable for a 2-factor text message, because recipients often expect this text message, which is often triggered by an action performed by the recipient. But for unexpected recipient text messages, such as sales promotions, a special virtual number may be preferred.

Custom Virtual ID

To avoid sharing a number with other senders, and for brand recognition and number consistency, rent a custom virtual number, also known as a long code or long number (international number format, eg 44 7624 805000 or US number format, for example 757 772 8555) is a viable option. Unlike the shared number, it can receive SMS replies. The sender can choose from a list of available virtual numbers available from the bulk SMS provider. Pricing for a specific virtual number may vary. Some numbers, often called Gold numbers, are easier to recognize, and therefore more expensive to rent. The sender can also be creative and choose the vanity number. These numbers spell words using the keypad, such as 1- (123) -ANUMBER.

Custom virtual numbers also enable features such as SMS keywords from their bulk SMS providers that help the sender create comprehensive in-game marketing and automated campaigns.

Short code

Short codes offer features that are very similar to special virtual numbers, but are short phone numbers that are usually 5-6 digits. Their length and availability depend on each country. These are usually more expensive and are usually used by government companies and organizations. For bulk messages, short codes are preferred over special virtual numbers because of their higher throughput, and are perfect for campaigns and time-sensitive emergencies.

In Europe, the first cross-operator SMS shortcode campaign was run by Txtbomb in 2001 for the release of Island Records. In North America it was the Labatt Brewing Company in 2002. Over the past few years, mobile short codes have become increasingly popular as new channels for communicating with consumers mobile. Brands have begun treating mobile short codes as mobile domain names that allow consumers to send brand text messages on shows, in stores and outside traditional media.

Custom Senders ID

The custom sender ID, also known as the alphanumeric sender ID, allows the user to set the business name as the sender ID for one way organizational-to-consumer messages. It is only supported in certain countries and has a length of up to 11 characters, and supports uppercase and lowercase ASCII and 0-9 digits. The sender is not allowed to use digits just because it will mimic a short code or virtual number that they can not access. The leading bulk SMS provider checks the customer's previous sender ID to make sure the sender is not abusing or misusing them.

Message Size

The message size then determines the number of SMS messages sent, which then determines the amount of money spent to market the product or service. Not all characters in the message have the same size.

One SMS message has a maximum size of 1120 bits. This is important because there are two types of character encoding, GSM and Unicode. Latin-based languages ​​like English are GSM based encoding, which is 7 bits per character. This is where text messages usually get 160 characters per SMS limit. Long messages that exceed this limit are combined. They are divided into smaller messages, which are incorporated by the receiving phone.

The embedded message can only contain 153 characters, not 160. For example, a message of 177 characters is sent as 2 messages. The first one is shipped with 153 characters and the second with 24 characters. The SMS Series process can occur up to 4 times for most bulk SMS providers, allowing the sender of messages to be maximum of 612 characters per campaign.

Non-Latin-based languages, such as Chinese, and emoji also use a different coding process called Unicode or Unicode Transformation Format (UTF-8). It's meant to cover all the characters for efficiency but has a warning. Each unicode character is 16 bits long, requiring more information to be sent, thus limiting SMS messages to up to 70 characters. Messages larger than 70 characters are also merged. These messages can contain 67 characters, and can be combined up to 4 times for up to 268 characters.

While this may sound complicated, most SMS service providers will have character counters built into their platforms. The SMS character counting service is available free of charge if your SMS service provider does not have one.

Content Structure

Specific elements that can be placed in text messages include:

  • UTF-8 Characters: Send SMS in various languages, special characters, or emoji
  • Keywords: Use keywords to trigger auto-response
  • Links: Track campaigns easily using short URLs to custom landing pages
  • Interactive Elements: Images, animations, audio, or video

Texting is simple, but when it comes to SMS marketing - there are many different content structures that can be implemented. Popular message types include sales alerts, reminders, keywords, and multimedia messaging services (MMS).

SMS Sales Notice

The sales sign is the most basic form of SMS marketing. They are commonly used for permits, flash sales, and special promotions. Common messages include coupon codes, and information such as expiration dates, products, and website links for additional information.

SMS reminder

Reminders are commonly used in appointment-based industries or for routine events. Some senders choose to ask their recipients to respond to a reminder text with an SMS keyword to confirm their appointment. This can really help improve the sender's workflow and reduce missed appointments, leading to increased productivity and revenue.

SMS Keyword

It allows people to send special keywords to a virtual number or a special short code. Through specific keywords, users can choose services with little effort. Once a keyword is triggered, an autoresponder can be set to guide the user to the next step. They can also activate various functions, including entering contests, forwarding to email or mobile phone numbers, group chats, and sending an automated response.

Spam compliance

Similar to email, SMS has different anti-spam laws from one country to another. As a general rule, it's important to get the recipient's permission before sending any text messages, especially SMS marketing message types. Permissions can be obtained in various ways, including allowing prospects or customers to: check the permissions check box on the website, fill out a form, or get an oral agreement.

In most countries, SMS senders need to identify themselves as their business name in their original text message. Identification can be placed in the sender ID or inside the copy of the message body. The spam prevention laws may also apply to SMS marketing messages, which should include methods for selecting out of messages.

One of the main criteria for provision is that consumers opt into service. Mobile operators require multiple choice from consumers and the ability for consumers to opt out of service at any time by sending the word STOP via SMS. This guide is set out in the CTIA Playbook and the MMA Consumer Best Practices Guidelines followed by all mobile marketers in the United States. In Canada, participating will be mandatory once the Fighting Internet and the Wireless Spam Act enter into force by mid-2012.

Message Submission

At the simplest level, SMS infrastructure consists of dedicated servers that talk to each other, using software called Short Message Service Center (SMSC) that uses a special protocol called Short Message Peer to Peer (SMPP).

Through SMPP connections, bulk SMS providers (also known as SMS Gateways) as mentioned above can send text messages and process SMS replies and delivery receipts.

When a user sends a message through a bulk SMS provider, it is sent to the receiving operator via an ON-NET connection or International SS7 Network.

SS7 Network

Operators around the world are connected by a network known as Signaling System # 7. It is used to exchange information related to phone calls, number translations, prepay billing systems, and is the backbone of SMS. SS7 is what operators around the world use to talk to each other.

ON-NET Routing

ON-NET routing is the most popular messaging form globally. This is the most reliable and preferred way for telecom/operators to receive messages, because messages from bulk SMS providers are sent directly to them. For senders that require consistency and reliability, finding providers using the ON-NET route should be the preferred option.

Gray Routing

Gray Routing is a given term for messages sent to operators (often offshore) that have low cost interconnection agreements with other carriers. Instead of sending messages directly to the intended carrier, some bulk SMS providers send it to an offshore carrier, which will convey a message to the intended carrier. With the cost of consistency and reliability, this roundabout way is cheaper, and these routes can disappear unannounced and slower. Many operators do not like this type of routing, and will often block it with filters set up in their SMSC.

Hybrid Routing

Some bulk SMS providers have the option to combine more reliable gray routing on lower value carriers with their ON-NET bids. If the route is well managed, then the message can be delivered reliably. Hybrid routing is more common for SMS marketing messages, where punctuality and reliable delivery are less of a problem.

SMS Service Provider

The easiest and most efficient way to send SMS marketing campaigns is through a bulk SMS service provider. Enterprise class SMS service providers will usually allow new customers the option to sign up for a free trial account before committing to their platform. Leading companies also offer free spam compliance, real-time reporting, link tracking, SMS APIs, multiple integration options, and 100% shipping warranties. Most providers can provide integrated link and analytics reducers to help track the return on investment of each campaign.

Depending on your service provider and country, each text message may cost up to a few cents. Sender who wants to send many text messages per month or per year can get discount from service provider.

Because spam laws differ from country to country, SMS service providers are usually location-specific. This is a list of the most popular and reputable SMS companies on every continent, with some information about the number of phones used. It is important to note that the prices of messages, messaging, and service offerings will also differ substantially from country to country.




North America


South America

Maps Mobile marketing


MMS mobile marketing may contain timed display of images, text, audio, and video. This mobile content is transmitted via MMS (Multimedia Message Service). Almost all new phones manufactured with color screens are capable of sending and receiving standard MMS messages. Brands can send (mobile stopped) and receive mobile-rich content (via mobile) through A2P (app-to-person) MMS mobile networks to mobile customers. In some networks, brands may also sponsor messages sent by P2P (person-to-person).

Typical MMS messages based on GSM encoding can have up to 1500 characters, while those based on Unicode can have up to 500 characters. Messages longer than cut boundaries and not merged like SMS.

A great example of MMS marketing campaigns coming from mobile phones is Motorola's ongoing campaign at House of Blues, where it allows consumers to send their mobile photos to real-time LED boards and create their image blogs online.

Mobile Marketing â€
src: pagedesignshop.com

Push notifications

Push notifications were first introduced to smartphones by Apple with the Push Notification Service in 2009. For Android devices, Google developed Android Cloud to Messaging or C2DM in 2010. Google replaced this service with Google Cloud Messaging in 2013. Commonly referred to as GCM , Google Cloud Messaging serves as the successor to C2DM, improves authentication and delivery, new API endpoints and messaging parameters, and deletes restrictions on API send rates and message sizes. These are messages that appear on mobile devices. It is sending information from software applications to computing devices without any request from clients or users. They look like SMS notifications but they only reach users who install apps. Specifications vary for iOS and android users. SMS notifications and push can be part of a well-developed mobile marketing strategy.

According to Leanplum mobile marketing company, Android sees open rates twice as high as on iOS. Android saw an open rate of 3.48 percent for push notifications, versus iOS that had an open rate of 1.77 percent.

Mobile Marketing Strategy: Essential Guidelines To Drive Mobile ...
src: blogs-images.forbes.com

App-based marketing

With the strong growth in smartphone usage, application usage is also greatly improved. Therefore, mobile marketers are increasingly using smartphone apps as a marketing resource. Marketers aim to optimize app visibility in the store, which will maximize the number of downloads. This practice is called App Store Optimization (ASO).

There is a lot of competition in this field as well. However, just like any other service, it's no longer easy to dominate the mobile app market. Most companies have recognized the potential of Mobile Apps to increase interaction between companies and their target customers. With the rapid development and growth of the smart phone market, high-quality Mobile app development is essential to get a strong position in mobile app stores.

Here are some models for APP marketing.

1. Embedded mode of content For much of now, APP downloads from free APP stores, for APP development companies, need a way to flow to liquidate, implantable ads and APP incorporates content marketing and game characters to integrate the user experience seamlessly, thereby increasing clicks advertisement.

2. Ad model implantation ad model is a common marketing mode in most APP apps. Through Banner ads, consumer announcements, or on-screen ads, users will jump to the specified page and display the ad content when the user clicks. This model is more intuitive, and can attract users quickly.

3. User participation mode is mainly applied to transplantation of APP website and brand. The company publishes its own APP brand to the APP store for users to download, so users can intuitively understand the company or product information better. As a practical tool, APP brings great convenience to the lives of users. User reference mode allows users to have a more intimate experience, so users can understand the product, improve the brand image of the company, and win the hearts of users.

4. Embedded mode of shopping website is a platform of offering traditional Internet power businesses in mobile APL, which is convenient for users to browse commodity information anytime and anywhere, ordering to buy and order tracking. This model has promoted the transformation of traditional e-commerce companies from shopping to mobile internet channels, which is a necessary way to use mobile APPLICATION for interactive development online and offline, such as amazon, ebay, and so on. Some of the above patterns for more popular marketing methods, such as for temporary details are not mentioned too much, but hope can help you to marketing APP has a preliminary understanding, and on the road more to go further in marketing.

Mobile Marketing Stats 2014 [Infographic]
src: bootcampdigital.com

In-game mobile marketing

There are basically three major trends in today's mobile games: real-time interactive 3D games, massive multi-player games, and social networking gaming. This means the trend toward more complex and more sophisticated, richer game play. On the other hand, there are so-called casual games, which are very simple games and very easy to play. Most mobile games today are regular games and will probably stay that way for some time to come.

Brands are now delivering promotional messages in mobile games or sponsoring entire games to encourage consumer engagement. This is known as mobile advergaming or mobile games that are funded by advertising.

In in-game mobile marketing, advertisers pay for their name or product to be displayed in mobile games. For example, racing games can show real cars made by Ford or Chevy. Advertisers have been creative and aggressive in their efforts to integrate ads organically in mobile games.

While investments in mobile marketing strategies such as advergaming are slightly more expensive than those meant for mobile apps, a good strategy can make the brand earn substantial revenue. Games that use advergaming make users better remember the brands involved. This memorization increases the content virtue so users tend to recommend it to their friends and acquaintances, and share it through social networks.

One form of in-game mobile advertising is that allows players to actually play. As a new and effective form of advertising, it allows consumers to try content before they actually install it. This type of marketing can also really grab the attention of the user like an ordinary player. These ads blur the line between games and advertising, and give players a richer experience that allows them to spend valuable time interacting with their ads.

Such ads are not only interesting, but also bring some benefits to marketers. Because this type of mobile marketing in this game can create more effective conversion rates because they're interactive and have faster conversion speeds than general advertising. In addition, the Games can also offer a stronger age rating. They measure consumer quality first to provide a deeper experience, So this type of advertising can be more effective in improving user stickiness than advertising channels like stories and videos.

Cash In On Mobile Marketing - LMS Solutions Inc | Full Service ...
src: lmssuccess.com

QR code

QR codes allow mobile phone owners to visit website addresses by scanning 2D digital images with their camera phones.

One of the weaknesses of qr code is that some people are not familiar with QR codes. There are still many people in the community who do not know what the QR code means, even though the QR code can be seen almost everywhere in our lives. Many companies try to use QR codes to promote their own products as well as search for potential customers, but if customers do not know how to find information through QR code, they do not seem to be able to buy a product or service. The main disadvantage of other QR codes is that they depend on a mobile device or smartphone. The whole concept of QR code and its benefits is based on its ability to be scanned by mobile devices. If a consumer, like an older person, does not have a mobile device or a smartphone, the qr code is not good for them.

CPA Traffic in Mobile Marketing - Created by Rana - In category ...
src: pagedesignpro.com


Bluetooth technology is a short-range wireless digital communication that enables devices to communicate without using the current RS-232 cable.

Top five 'Must-Use' Mobile Marketing Methods | Net Maddy
src: netmaddy.com

System proximity

Mobile marketing through proximity systems, or close-up marketing, depends on GSM 03.41 that defines Short Message Service - Cell Broadcast. SMS-CB allows messages (such as advertisements or public information) to broadcast to all mobile users in a specific geographic area. In the Philippines, the GSM long-distance broadcast system is used by selected Government Agencies to disseminate information on government-run community programs to capitalize on its reach and popularity (the Philippines has the highest SMS traffic in the world). It is also used for commercial services known as SMS Proxima. Bluewater, the super-regional shopping center in the UK, has a GSM-based GSM system supplied to help its GSM coverage for calls, also enables every customer with a mobile to be tracked even though the center to which their shops go to and for how long. This system allows special offer text to be sent to the phone. For example, resellers can send mobile text messages to these subscribers in their already participating databases, which happen to be running in the mall. The message could say "Save 50% within the next 5 minutes only when you buy from our store." The snack company, Mondelez International, makers of Cadbury and Oreo products has committed to exploring proximity-based services by citing significant gains in purchasing affects.

Mobilemarketing on FeedYeti.com
src: mobilemarketingwatch.com

Location-based services

Location-based services (LBS) are offered by multiple mobile phone networks as a way to send custom ads and other information to mobile phone subscribers based on their current location. Mobile phone service providers get locations from GPS chips installed in the phone, or use radiolocation and trilateration based on signal strength from nearby cell towers (for phones without GPS features). In the United Kingdom, which launched location-based services in 2003, the network did not use trilateration; LBS uses a single base station, with "radius" inaccuracies, to determine the location of the phone.

Some location-based services work without GPS tracking techniques, instead of transmitting content between peer-to-peer devices.

There are various methods for companies to take advantage of device location.

1. Find the location.

Utilizing location-based feedback, nearby store locations can be found quickly by retail clients.

2. Proximity-based marketing.

Companies can submit ads only to individuals in the same geographic location.

A location-based service sends potential customers ads from areas that may actually take action on that information.

3. Trip information.

Location-based services can provide actual time information for a smartphone, such as traffic conditions and weather forecasts, then customers can plan.

Bantuan 4.Roadside.

In the event of a traffic accident, roadside assistance firms can develop applications to track customers' real-time location without navigation.

6 mobile marketing trends you need to know about - Biznology
src: biznology.com

Ringless voicemail

The advancement of mobile technology has enabled the ability to leave voice mail messages on mobile without calling the channel. This technology was pioneered by VoAPP, which uses technology in conjunction with direct carriers as a debt collection service. The FCC has decided that this technology complies with all regulations. CPL is expanded on existing technologies to allow for fully automated processes including direct operator replacement with pre-recorded messages. By optimizing technology, marketers can use processes to increase their product or service engagement.

5 Mobile Marketing Trends to Watch
src: static.jeffbullas.com

User-controlled media

Mobile marketing is different from most other forms of marketing communications as often consumer-initiated (consumer) messages start (mobile, or MO), and require consent from consumers to receive future communications. Calls sent from server (business) to user (consumer) are termed cellular messages (MT). This infrastructure shows the trends set by consumer marketing-controlled marketing communications marketing.

Due to the demand for more user-controlled media, mobile messaging infrastructure providers have responded by developing an architecture that offers applications to operators with more freedom for users, compared to network-controlled media. Along with these advancements for user-controlled Mobile Messaging 2.0, worldwide blogging events have been implemented to launch popularity in the latest advances in mobile technology. In June 2007, Airwide Solutions became the official sponsor for the Mobile Messaging 2.0 blog which gave many opinions through a discussion of mobility with freedom.

GPS plays an important role in location-based marketing.

Infographic: The Growth of Mobile Marketing - Mobile Marketing Watch
src: mobilemarketingwatch.com

Privacy issues

Mobile ads have become increasingly popular. However, some mobile ads are submitted without the necessary consent from the consumer causing a privacy violation. It should be understood that regardless of how well advertising messages are designed and how many additional possibilities they provide, if consumers do not have confidence that their privacy will be protected, this will hamper their widespread distribution. But if the message comes from a source where the user is registered in a loyalty/relationship program, privacy is not considered to be infringing and even interruptions can generate goodwill.

Privacy issues are becoming more prominent as ever with the arrival of mobile data networks. A number of important new issues arise primarily due to the fact that mobile devices are highly personal and always shared with users, and four key issues can be identified: mobile spam, personal identification, location information, and wireless security. Aggregate mobile user presence can be tracked in privacy preservation mode.

Local Business App Marketing
src: pagedesignpro.com


Kaplan categorizes mobile marketing along the level of consumer knowledge and communication triggers into four groups: foreigners, groups, victims, and customers. Consumer knowledge can be high or low and according to the organization's level can tailor their message to each user, similar to one-to-one marketing ideas. Regarding the communication triggers, Kaplan distinguishes between push communication, initiated by the organization, and attracts communication, initiated by consumers. In the first group (low knowledge/encouragement), organizations broadcast a common message to a large number of mobile users. Given that an organization can not know which customers are finally being reached by messages, this group is referred to as "strangers". In the second group (low knowledge/attraction), customers choose to receive information but not identify themselves while doing so. Therefore, organizations do not know which specific clients are handled appropriately, which is why these groups are called "groupies". In the third group (knowledge/high drive) called "victims", organizations know their customers and can send them messages and information without first asking for permission. The latter group (high knowledge/attraction), "customer" includes situations where customers actively grant permission to be contacted and provide personal information about themselves, allowing one-to-one communication without running a risk of disturbing them.

5 Tips For Successful Copywriting In Mobile Marketing - Express ...
src: s3.amazonaws.com


Source of the article : Wikipedia
