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Senin, 04 Juni 2018

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Spiritual intelligence is a term used by some philosophers, psychologists, and developmental theorists to show a spiritual parallel with IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Quotient).

Danah Zohar coined the term "spiritual intelligence" and introduced the idea in 1997 in his book ReWiring the Corporate Brain .

In the same year, 1997, Ken O'Donnell, an Australian writer and consultant living in Brazil, also introduced the term "spiritual intelligence" in his book The emotional and spiritual dimensions of man in my organization.

In 2000, in the book "Spiritual Intelligence," author and intuitive, Michal Levin, describes the concept as a perspective that offers a way to unite spiritual and material, ultimately concerned with the welfare of the universe and all who live there.

Howard Gardner, the originator of the theory of multiple intelligences, chose not to incorporate spiritual intelligence among his "intelligences" because of the challenges of encoding quantifiable scientific criteria. Instead, Gardner suggests "existential intelligence" as workable. However, contemporary researchers continue to explore the survival of Spiritual Intelligence (often abbreviated as "SQ") and create tools for measuring and developing it. So far, the measurement of spiritual intelligence tends to rely on self-assessment instruments, which some claims can be vulnerable to false reporting.

Variations in spiritual intelligence are sometimes used in corporate settings, as a means of motivating employees. and provides a non-religious, diversity-sensitive framework for addressing value issues in the workplace. According to Stephen Covey, "Spiritual intelligence is central and most basic of all intelligences, because it becomes a source of guidance for others."

Video Spiritual intelligence


The definition of spiritual intelligence depends on the concept of spirituality as distinct from religiosity - existential intelligence.

Danah Zohar defines the 12 principles underlying spiritual intelligence:

  • Self-awareness: Knowing what I believe and appreciate, and what motivates me greatly.
  • Spontaneity: Life is deep and responsive to moments.
  • Being a vision and value: Acting from a deep principle and belief, and living accordingly.
  • Holism: See patterns, connections, and greater connections; have a sense of belonging.
  • Compassion: Has a deep "feel-with" quality and empathy.
  • Celebration of diversity: Assessing others for their differences, not apart from them.
  • Field independence: Standing against the crowd and having self-confidence.
  • Humility: Has a feeling of being a player in a bigger drama, about the true place of a person in the world.
  • The tendency to ask basic questions "Why?" question: Need to understand things and get to the bottom.
  • Ability to reorder: Rebuild from a situation or problem and view larger images or wider context.
  • Positive use of adversity: Learn and evolve from mistakes, setbacks, and suffering.
  • Sense of vocation: Feeling called to serve, giving something back.

Ken O'Donnell, a supporter of spiritual intelligence integration (SQ) with rational intelligence (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ). IQ helps us interact with numbers, formulas and things, EQ helps us interact with people and SQ helps us maintain an inner balance. To calculate a person's SQ level, he suggests the following criteria:

  • How much time, money, and energy and thoughts do we need to get the desired results.
  • How much bilateral respect there is in our relationship.
  • How to 'clean' the games we play with others.
  • How much dignity we have to honor the dignity of others.
  • How quiet we remain apart from the workload.
  • How wise is our decision.
  • How stable we remain in an aggravating situation.
  • How easily we see goodness in others rather than defects.

Robert Emmons defines spiritual intelligence as "the use of adaptive spiritual information to facilitate problem solving and the achievement of everyday goals." He initially proposed 5 components of spiritual intelligence:

  1. Capacity to go beyond physical and material.
  2. Ability to experience a high state of consciousness.
  3. Ability to sanctify daily experience.
  4. Ability to utilize spiritual resources to solve problems.
  5. Capacity to be virtuous.

The five capacities were then removed because of its focus on human behavior rather than ability, thus not meeting the previously established scientific criteria for intelligence.

Frances Vaughan offers the following description: "Spiritual intelligence is concerned with the inner life of mind and spirit and its relationship with being in the world."

Cindy Wigglesworth defines spiritual intelligence as "the ability to act with wisdom and compassion, while maintaining inner and outer peace, regardless of the circumstances." He breaks down the competencies that make up SQ into 21 skills, organized into four quadrant models similar to the emotional intelligence model or the widely used EQ Daniel Goleman. The four quadrants of spiritual intelligence are defined as:

  1. Higher self-consciousness/ego
  2. Universal Consciousness
  3. Higher Self-Control/Ego
  4. Spiritual Presence/Social Mastery

David B. King has conducted research on spiritual intelligence at Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. King defines spiritual intelligence as a set of adaptive mental capacities based on non-material and transcendent aspects of reality, especially those that:

"... contribute to awareness, integration, and adaptive application of the nonmaterial and transcendent aspects of one's existence, leading to results such as deep existential reflection, enhanced meaning, transcendent self-confidence, and spiritual state domination."

King further proposed four core abilities or the capacity of spiritual intelligence:

  1. Critical Existential Thinking : The ability to critically reflect on the nature of existence, reality, the universe, space, time, and other existential/metaphysical issues; as well as the capacity to reflect on non-existential issues in relation to one's existence (ie, from an existential perspective).
  2. Production of Personal Meaning : The ability to gain meaning and personal goals from all physical and mental experiences, including the capacity to create and master purpose in life.
  3. Transcendental Consciousness : The capacity to identify self-transcendental or transcendent dimensions/patterns (ie, transpersonal or transcendent self), others, and the physical world (eg, nonmaterialism) during normal state of consciousness, identifying their relationship with themselves and physically.
  4. Conscious State Expansion : The ability to enter and exit from a higher state of consciousness (eg pure consciousness, cosmic consciousness, unity, unity) and other trance circumstances at its own discretion (as in deep contemplation, meditation, prayer, etc.).

Also, Vineeth V. Kumar and Manju Mehta have also examined this concept extensively. Operating constructs, they define spiritual intelligence as "the capacity of an individual to have socially relevant goals in life by understanding 'self' and having a conscience, compassion, and a high commitment to human values."

Maps Spiritual intelligence


The measurement of spiritual intelligence depends on self-reporting. David King and Teresa L. DeCicco have developed a self-report size, Spiritual Spiritual Self-Inventory (SISRI-24) Inventory with psychometric and statistical support in two large university samples. Cindy Wigglesworth has developed SQ21, a self-assessment inventory that has been tested positively for the validity of the criteria and construct validity in a statistically significant sample. The SQ model and Wigglesworth rating instrument have been successfully used in corporate settings.

The scale for Spiritual Intelligence (SSI; Kumar & Mehta, 2011) is a 20-item, self-reporting measure of spiritual intelligence in adolescents. The idea behind the development of this scale is to generate and assess the concept of spiritual intelligence in collectivist cultures that are bounded by eastern philosophy. SSI is rated on a Likert scale and can be completed in 10 minutes.

Spiritual Growth and Development | Spirituality
src: www.maxvibrant.com


It has been argued that Spiritual Intelligence can not be recognized as a form of intelligence. Howard Gardner, the originator of the theory of multiple intelligences, chose not to incorporate spiritual intelligence among his intelligences because of the challenges of encoding quantifiable scientific criteria. Later, Gardner suggests "existential intelligence" as something that can be done, but argues that it is better to "put aside the spiritual term, with its real and problematic connotations, and to speak, not the intelligence that explores the nature of existence in its various guises. spiritual or religious issues will be one of variation - often the most important variation - of existential intelligence. "

Spiritual Growth and Development | Spirituality
src: www.maxvibrant.com

See also

  • Intelligence
  • Intelligence
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Multiple Intelligences
  • Spirituality
  • Trans

Spiritual Intelligence: The Next Frontier in Leadership ...
src: humanityknows.com


Source of the article : Wikipedia
