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Kamis, 05 Juli 2018

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Why Is It A Bad Idea to Eat Really Fast? » Science ABC
src: www.scienceabc.com

Eating (also known as consuming ) is food consumption, usually to provide heterotrophic organisms with energy and to enable growth. Animals and other heterotrophs must eat to survive - carnivores eat other animals, plant-eating herbivores, omnivores consume mixtures of plant and animal materials, and detritivores feed on the detritus. Mushrooms digest organic substances outside their bodies as opposed to animals that digest their food in their bodies. For humans, eating is an activity of everyday life. Some individuals may limit the amount of their nutrient intake. This may be the result of a lifestyle choice, due to starvation or hunger, as part of diet or as a religious fast.

Video Eating

Practice feeding among humans

Many homes have a large dining room or kitchen area outside (in the tropics) intended for preparing food and meals, and may have a dining room, dining room, or other dining area. Some trains have a dining car.

Most people also have restaurants, pujasera, and food vendors so people can eat away from home, when there is less time to prepare food, or as a social event (club meal). At their highest level of sophistication, these places become "cosmopolitanism theater spectacles and global myths". On picnics, potlucks, and food festivals, eating is actually the main purpose of social gathering. In many social events, food and drink is provided to the audience.

Dishes, silverware, drinkware and cookware are available in a variety of shapes and sizes.

People usually eat two or three times a day on a regular basis. Snacks with smaller quantities can be consumed between meals. Doctors in the UK, recommend three times a day (with between 400-600 kcal per meal), with four to six hours between. Have three balanced meals (thus half of the plate with vegetables, 1/4 protein food as meat,... and 1/4 carbohydrate as pasta, rice,...) will then amount to about 1800-2000 kcal, which is a requirement average for ordinary people.

The issue of healthy eating has long been an important concern for individuals and cultures. Among other practices, fasting, diet, and vegetarianism are all techniques used by individuals and encouraged by the community to improve longevity and health. Some religions promote vegetarianism, because it is wrong to consume animals. Leading nutritionists believe that instead of indulging in three big meals each day, it's much healthier and easier on metabolism to eat five small meals daily (eg better digestion, easier in the lower intestine to store waste; while larger meals are heavier on the gastrointestinal tract and may require the use of laxatives.However, a psychiatrist with Yale Medical School has found that people who suffer from Binge Eating Disorder (BED) and consume three meals per day weigh less than those who have More frequent meals Eating can also be a way of making money (see competitive eating). In jurisdictions under sharia law, it may be forbidden for Muslim adults during the daytime of Ramadan.

Maps Eating

Human development

Newborns do not eat adult food. They only survive with breast milk or formula. A small amount of smoothed food is sometimes fed to young infants as young as two or three months, but most babies do not eat adult food until they are between six and eight months old. Young babies eat dried baby food because they have few teeth and an immature digestive system. Between the ages of 8 and 12 months, the digestive system increases, and many babies start eating finger foods. Their food is still limited, as most babies do not have molars or canines at this age, and often have a number of incisors. At the age of 18 months, babies often have enough teeth and a well-cooked digestive system to eat the same foods as adults. Learning to eat is a messy process for children, and children often do not master tidiness or eat etiquette until they are 5 or 6 years old.

Dining position

The eating position varies according to the different regions of the world, because culture influences the way people eat their food. For example, most Middle Eastern countries, eating while sitting on the floor is the most common, and it is believed to be healthier than eating while sitting at a table.

Excessive compulsive eating

Excessive eating compulsively, or eating emotionally, is a "tendency to eat in response to negative emotions". Empirical studies show that anxiety causes a decrease in food consumption in people with normal weight and increased consumption of food in obese people.

Many laboratory studies show that overweight individuals are more emotionally reactive and more likely to overeat when depressed than people with normal weight. In addition, it has consistently been found that obese individuals experience negative emotions more often and more intensively than people with normal weight.

Naturalistic studies by Lowe and Fisher compare emotional reactivity and emotional feeding of normal and overweight female students. This study confirms the tendency of obese individuals to overeat, but these findings apply only to snacks, not to foods. That means that obese people do not tend to eat more at meals; on the contrary, the number of snacks they eat between meals is greater. One possible explanation that Lowe and Fisher suggest is that obese individuals often eat their food with others and do not eat more than average because of the reduction of distress due to the presence of others. Another possible explanation is that fat individuals do not eat more than others at mealtime because of social desires. Instead, snacks are usually eaten alone.

Hungry and full

There are many physiological mechanisms that control start and stop eating. Control of food intake is a system of behavior that is physiologically complex and motivated. Hormones such as cholecystokinin, bombesin, neurotensin, anorectin, calcitonin, enterostatin, leptin and corticotropin-releasing hormones have all been shown to suppress food intake.


There are many signals released that trigger hunger. There are environmental signals, signals from the gastrointestinal system, and metabolic signals that trigger hunger. The environmental signal comes from the body's senses. Feelings of hunger can be triggered by smells and thoughts about food, a view of a plate, or hear someone talking about food. Signals from the stomach are initiated by the release of ghrelin peptide hormone. Ghrelin is a hormone that increases appetite by signaling to the brain that a person is hungry.

Environmental signals and ghrelin are not the only signals that start hunger, there are other metabolic signals as well. As time passes between meals, the body begins to take nutrients from long-term reservoirs. When glucose levels of the cells go down (glucoprivation), the body begins to produce hunger. The body also stimulates food by detecting a decrease in cellular lipid (lipoprivation) levels. Both the brain and the heart monitor the levels of metabolic fuel. The brain checks glucoprivation on the blood-brain barrier side (because glucose is the fuel), while the heart monitors the whole body for both lipoprivation and glucoprivation.


There are short-term signals of satiety arising from the head, stomach, intestines, and liver. Long-term satiety signals come from adipose tissue. The taste and smell of food can contribute to short-term satiety, allowing the body to learn when to stop eating. The stomach contains receptors to enable us to know when we are full. The intestine also contains receptors that send signals of satiety to the brain. The hormone cholecystokinin is secreted by the duodenum, and controls the rate at which the stomach is emptied. This hormone is considered a satiety signal to the brain. Peptide YY 3-36 is a hormone secreted by the small intestine and is also used as a satiety signal to the brain. Insulin also serves as a satiety signal to the brain. The brain detects insulin in the blood, which indicates that the nutrients are being absorbed by the cell and the person is getting fuller. Long-term satiety comes from the fat stored in the adipose tissue. Adipose tissue secretes leptin, and leptin suppresses appetite. Long-term satiety signals from adipose tissue regulate short-term satiety signals.

Brain role

The brain stem can control food intake, as it contains neural circuits that detect hunger and satiety signals from other parts of the body. Involvement of the food intake brain has been investigated using mice. Mice that have motor neurons in the brain stem cut off from the neural circuitry of the decidebrate, can not approach and eat food. Instead they should get their food in liquid form. This study shows that the brain stem does play a role in eating.

There are two peptides in the hypothalamus that produce hunger, melanin concentrating hormone (MCH) and orexin. MCH plays a greater role in producing hunger. In mice, KIA stimulates feeding and mutations that cause overweight of MCH production to cause overeating and obesity. Orexin plays a greater role in controlling the relationship between eating and sleeping. Other peptides in the hypothalamus that induce feeding are neuropeptide Y (NPY) and agouti-related protein (AGRP).

Satiety in the hypothalamus is stimulated by leptin. Leptin targets receptors in the arcuate nucleus and suppresses MCH and orexin secretions. The arcuate core also contains two more peptides that suppress hunger. The first is cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART), the second is? -MSH (? -Melanocyte-stimulating hormone).

Keep Graduates Eating Healthy
src: www.parenttoolkit.com


Physiologically, eating is generally triggered by hunger, but there are many physical and psychological conditions that can affect appetite and disrupt the normal diet. These include depression, food allergies, consumption of certain chemicals, bulimia, anorexia nervosa, pituitary gland damage and other endocrine problems, and many other diseases and eating disorders.

Chronic nutritional deficiencies can cause various illnesses, and eventually lead to starvation. When this happens in an area on a large scale, it is considered hunger.

If eating and drinking are not possible, as is often the case when recovering from surgery, the alternative is enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition.

Eating Expensive Fruit. ðŸ
src: i.ytimg.com

Other animals


To maintain a high constant body temperature is an expensive energy - mammals therefore require nutritious and abundant food. While the earliest mammals may be predators, different species have adapted to meet their dietary needs in various ways. Some eat other animals - this is a carnivorous diet (and includes an insectivorous diet). Other mammals, called herbivores, eat plants, which contain complex carbohydrates such as cellulose. Herbivorous diets include subtypes such as granivores, folivory, frugivory, nectarivory, gummivory and mycophagy. The herbivorous gastrointestinal tract is host to bacteria that ferment these complex substances, and make them available for digestion, which are either stored in the multichambered abdomen or in the large caecum. Some mammals are coprophagous, consuming feces to absorb undigested nutrients when food is first digested. Omnivores feed on prey and plants. Carnivorous mammals have simple digestive tracts because the proteins, lipids, and minerals found in meat require little specific digestive way. Exceptions to this include baleen whales that also house intestinal flora in the multi-cubicle abdomen, such as terrestrial herbivores.

Animal size is also a factor in determining the type of diet (Allen's rule). Because small mammals have a high ratio of surface area that loses heat to generate heat, they tend to have high energy requirements and high metabolic rates. Mammals weighing less than about 18 ounces (510 g) are mostly insectivorous eaters because they can not tolerate the slow and complicated process of herbivorous digestion. Larger animals, on the other hand, produce more heat and less heat is lost. They can therefore tolerate a slower collection process (those who prey on larger vertebrates) or slower digestive processes (herbivores). Furthermore, mammals weighing more than 18 ounces (510 g) are usually unable to collect enough insects during their waking hours to defend themselves. The only large insectivorous mammals are those that feed on large colonies of insects (ants or termites).

Some mammals are omnivores and display different levels of carnivores and herbivores, generally more likely than others. Because plants and meat are digested differently, there is a preference for one of the others, such as in bears where some species may be mostly carnivores and others are mostly herbivores. They are grouped into three categories: mesocarnivory (50-70% meat), hypercarnivory (70% and greater than meat), and hypocarnivory (50% or less of meat). Hypocarnivorous teeth consist of dull and triangular carnassial teeth intended to grind food. Hypercarnivores, however, have conical teeth and sharp carnassials intended for cutting, and in some cases powerful jaws to destroy bones, as in the case of hyenas, allowing them to consume bone; some extinct groups, especially Machairodontinae, have saber-shaped canines.

Some physiological carnivores consume plant matter and some physiological herbivores consume meat. From the behavioral aspect, this will make them omnivorous, but from a physiological point of view, this may be due to zoopharmacognosy. Physiologically, animals should be able to obtain energy and nutrients from plants and animals to be considered omnivores. Thus, the animals can still be classified as carnivores and herbivores when they only obtain nutrients from materials derived from sources that do not seem to complement their classification. For example, it is well documented that some ungulates. such as giraffes, camels, and cows, will eat away bones to consume certain minerals and nutrients. Also, cats, who are generally considered to be carnivorous, occasionally eat grass to spew out non-digestible material (such as hair balls), aid with hemoglobin production, and as a laxative.

Many mammals, in the absence of adequate food needs in the environment, suppress their metabolism and conserve energy in a process known as hibernation. In the period before hibernation, larger mammals, such as bears, became polyphagic to increase fat stores, while smaller mammals preferred to collect and store food. The slowing metabolism is accompanied by a decrease in heart rate and respiration, as well as a decrease in internal temperature, which can be around ambient temperature in some cases. For example, the internal temperature of the hibernate arctic ground squirrels may drop to -2.9 ° C (26.8 ° F), but the head and neck are always above 0 ° C (32 ° F). Some mammals in hot environments move during droughts or extreme heat, the fat-tailed dwarf lemur ( Cheirogaleus medius ).


Bird diet varies and often includes nectar, fruit, plants, seeds, carrion, and various small animals, including other birds. Because birds do not have teeth, their digestive system is adapted to process non cooked food swallowed whole.

Birds that use many strategies to get food or food on various foods are called generalists, while others who concentrate their time and effort on certain foods or have a single strategy to get food are considered specialists. Bird feeding strategies vary by species. Many birds collect insects, invertebrates, fruits, or grains. Some insects hunt with a sudden attack from the branch. Species looking for insect pests are considered 'beneficial biological agents' and their presence is encouraged in biological pest control programs.

Nectar feeders such as hummingbirds, sunbirds, lories, and lorikeets include specially tailored brushy tongue and in many cases bills are designed to match the interest that is adapted. Kiwis and beach birds with probe long bills for invertebrates; long bills of various seabirds and feeding methods resulted in the separation of ecological niches. Loons, diving ducks, penguins and auks chase their underwater prey, using their wings or feet for propulsion, while air predators such as sulids, kingfishers and terns dive after their prey. Flamingos, three prion species, and some ducks are filter feeders. The geese and ducks that are working are mainly grazers.

Some species, including frigatebirds, gulls, and skuas, are involved in kleptoparasitism, stealing food from other birds. Kleptoparasitism is considered a supplement for food obtained by hunting, rather than a significant part of each species' diet; a study of frigatebirds that stole from masked boobies estimated that frigatebirds stole at most 40% of their food and averaged stealing only 5%. Another bird is a carcass eater; some of them, like vultures, are special carcasses, while others, like seagulls, birds, or other birds of prey, are opportunists.

Kids Are Eating Healthier, But There's Still Room for Improvement ...
src: www.doctorbeau.com

See also

Genetic link to teen binge-eating | AJP
src: ajp.com.au


Thin, white, female: How people document eating disorder recovery ...
src: images.theconversation.com

External links

  • Media Related to Eating on Wikimedia Commons
  • The digestive process at EncyclopÃÆ'Â|dia Britannica
  • Health-UE Portals - Nutrition

Source of the article : Wikipedia
